The visual identity for the symposium “Future Challenges in Water Resources Research“ – Powerful Women in Sciences – was developed by students of the 3rd and 5th semester of communication design at the Stuttgart University of Communication and Design under the direction of Prof. Michaela Köhler, Prof. Christiane Nowottny and Prof. Fred Arnold.

The University of Communication and Design accompanied the interdisciplinary symposium both in terms of content and visually and created a modular overall concept for the entire cross-media media at the event. This also included all film and video productions, the Pecha Kucha introductions for the keynote speakers as well as the recording of the event and the post-processing. Particular attention was paid to the aspect of sustainability. From the conference motto to the key visual, the homepage, the name badges with associated lanyards, the notebooks, printed cloth bags, coasters, posters, video mapping, film and video contributions and much more. The students realized the print media in the screen printing workshop of the Waiblingen art school. Our special thanks go to Christine Lutz (Head) and Juliane Sonntag for their dedicated support within the project.