Women of music (WoM) is a women’s collective from Baden-Württemberg. The initiative defines itself as an open collective that brings together different musical styles and expertise within the music industry and (trans-)cultural backgrounds.
WoM’s mission is to empower women in the music industry and give them visibility by providing a local network. The development and implementation of event concepts with a supra-regional appeal are of central importance in this context.
The power and knowledge of women is bundled at a regional level to contribute to global visibility and the working conditions of women in the music industry.
WoM strives to be the active and reliable center of an artistic and business network. The biggest vision is a future in which a network like WoM is no longer necessary to be considered.
“We believe in gender equality, respectful and positive interaction with each other and the beauty of diversity in the arts. We give a great importance to professionalism and a high quality of artistic expression, but above all we value passion”.
Women of Music (WoM) currently consists of six active professional musicians and composers-and other supporters from related professions (press and public relations),design, photography, theatre, science) and users of the Facebook platform. www.facebook.com/womowom/
Participating at the event “Futrue challenges in Water Reouces Research-powerful women in Science 18th Febraury 2020:
Russudan Meipariani, (pianist, composer) Verena Merisa (composer) Hajnalka Péter (singer, educator) Lisa Tuyala (singer, cultural manager)